Ubuntu Install Nvidia

Hello, I have a Lenovo y700 with Nvidia GeForce GTX 960M. My operating system is Ubuntu 14.04, I have tried to install Nvidia driver by following many tutorials, but whenever I install it once I restart the computer I get a blank screen and then I need to remove the Nvidia driver.

Download Nvidia Drivers for Ubuntu. How to install Nvidia Drivers on Ubuntu 16.04, via command line. Install Nvidia Graphics Drivers on Ubuntu via PPA.

Before we begin the installation, run the following command in Terminal to add the Proprietary GPU Drivers PPA in Ubuntu Systems:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
sudo apt update

Now from here one can download and install Nvidia Drivers either from Software & Updates (System Settings) or Terminal commands.

Using Softwares & Updates


Open Software & Updates from System Settings or directly from Ubuntu Dash. Click on the “Additional Drivers” tab and here you can see the list of Drivers. Select the one you wish to apply (install) and click “Apply changes”. Once the Drivers are downloaded and installed, please restart the system.

Using Terminal Command

To install Nvidia Drivers from Terminal Commands, run the command given below to search all the available Drivers:

apt-cache search nvidia
apt search nvidia

You will then see the list of all available Nvidia Drivers. Scroll down and look for the packages termed “nvidia-VERSION”. Once you get the desired Nvidia Drivers, install it using the Terminal command.

For example, if you wish to install nvidia-304-updates/xenial 304.131-0ubuntu3 i386 (NVIDIA legacy binary driver – version 304.131) run the command with the aprropriate version in the command sudo apt install nvidia-VERSION
So the final command looks like – sudo apt install nvidia-304-updates/xenial 304.131-0ubuntu3 i386

Adding Nvidia Graphics PPA

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa to your system’s Software Sources. This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system’s software sources.

On Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu Install Nvidia

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu xenial main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu xenial main

On Ubuntu 15.10

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu wily main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu wily main

On Ubuntu 14.04

deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu trusty main

Signing key: 4096R/1118213C (What is this?)
Fingerprint: 2388FF3BE10A76F638F80723FCAE110B1118213C

Due to the large number of Install guides, all with different methods I decided to make one central guide with the methods that worked for me. This guide will Cover installing the Ubuntu provided drivers and also the binary drivers from Nvidia itself.

To install Ubuntu provided Nvidia drivers ( If the sources 'additional drivers' didn't work for you either):

1)Ctrl-Alt-F1 and login as your username

and headers
3) Uninstall nvidia driver - this depends on which version you tried to install from additional drivers :

NOTE:You can install 'nvidia-current' 'nvidia-current-updates' or 'nvidia-experimental-304'


That should get the nvidia drivers of your choice working.


I recommend that rather than installing the experimental branch of drivers, that you just go ahead and install the binary drivers from Nvidia.

At your own Risk!

To Install Binary Drivers from Nvidia
Ubuntu nvidia driver problem(This is what worked for me):

This guide assumes you have the above Nvidia drivers working, if not skip step 1.

But I believe you will still need to install the headers outlined in the above guide. ^^^ Step 2

Download the drivers from Nvidia depending on your card, and place the .run on your desktop. Right click and go into properties and find 'Allow executing as a program' and click it.

1) NOTE:
Depends on which version you currently had above (nvidia-current-updates' or example)
If not, please skip step 1.


3) ctrl-alt-f1


5)Then switch to the directory where your drivers are (I put mine on my Desktop)

6)Then install the driver:

Then hit tab and Ubuntu will automatically fill in the exact driver name so you don't have to type out the long name. (Granted you don't have another N-titled launcher)

Install Nvidia Ubuntu 16.04

7)Follow the prompts and install the driver.
If you get an issue with Nouveau (like I did at first)

9) Then reinstall the driver (If you can) and if even if you cannot, run:

and reboot.

Ubuntu Nvidia Driver Problem

You should now have a working Nvidia driver without messing with black lists and Nouveau drama.
Closing thoughts: Please take note that with every kernel you will have to reinstall the Nvidia drivers of your choice if and only if you installed the .run file.
Thank you for your time, and please let me know if this guide can be improved, or it didn't work for you. Both of which I will try to correct, thank you. -Dlambert




Ubuntu Install Nvidia Drivers 16.04
