- The age of your piano is determined by the Serial Number. Pianos also have numbers other than serial numbers, such is the case with part or patent numbers. Some pianos do not have serial numbers when they are manufactured as 'House Brands' for large retailers.
- The Lester is the only piano equipped with this amazing Damp-Chaser that protects the piano from dampness in all climates, reduces the number of tunings, keeps the piano in perfect playing condition and prolongs the life of the instrument.
This could upwards of $130 and some are even sold for $2000.
How much is a Lester Piano Betsy Ross spinet serial 150735 worth?
A Lester Piano, Betsy Ross edition, varies in pricing online. There are several of these pianos available for sale on Ebay ranging from $200 to $800, depending on the condition.
I have a well cared for Lester Betsy Ross Spinet Piano, born in 1952, bearing serial number 229214 and model number 369. This one of a kind piano has kept in very good physical condition. This one of a kind piano has kept in very good physical condition.
What is the value of Wurlitzer spinet piano circa 1960's?
What is a Wurlitzer Spinet piano 467265 circa 1950-1960 worth?
How much is a Herman miller spinet piano 1972 with walnut finish and bench worth?
How Much Is A Wurlitzer Spinet Piano 388286 Worth?
It really depends on condition, amount of refurb needed, etc. Unfortunately, the fact that it is both a Wurlitzer and a spinet, make it worth very little, even in good condition. After looking up the serial number you provided, I believe it to have been manufactured in 1949. If you are looking to sell the piano, a member of the Piano Technician's Guild can appraise the piano for a fee. Likely though, It will cost…
How much is a Wurlitzer Spinet Piano Model 2020 serial number 820854 worth?
A few hundred dollars depending on the shape that it is in. ~Pianoremaker
How much is a Story and Clark piano serial 279604 worth?
We need more info here. Is it and upright 50'...Studio 48'... console/spinet 42'? The console/spinet category is important as the action style will make a difference.
What was the original value of a werlein upright piano built in 1978?
I have a Werlein spinet piano that I purchased new from the Werlein piano store in Baton Rouge, La. for about $1200. I don't know what it is worth now, but it has held up wonderfully.
What is a Kimball spinet worth?
How much is a Baldwin Acrosonic piano worth?
The value of a Baldwin Acrosonic piano depends on its condition and how well it has aged. There are several for sale online priced from $500 to $750. The upright appears to bring a higher price than the spinet.
What is a 1952 Wurlitzer 73 Key piano worth?
It's unlikely that a Wurlitzer piano was produces with only 73 keys - if not a full keyboard, it's more likely this should be 76. That said, I couldn't locate any less-than-full-size Wurlitzer pianos from the 1950s. A standard, 88-key spinet piano from this era would be worth about $400 - $700 in good cosmetic and working condition. If it has a particularly unique design or is closer to mint condition, expect the higher end…
How much is a Columbus Piano Co No 8062 piano worth?
The Columbus Piano No 8062 is worth over $120,000
What is lady at the piano by Renior 204 worth?
Is Lady at the Piano by Renior no. 204 worth anything?
How much is lexington Boston player piano worth?
Lexington player piano with #677059.What is it worth?
What is a crotchet worth on the piano?
A crotchet is worth the same on the piano as it is in any other instrument. It is a quarter note.
What is the value on a 1979 Betsy Ross Dollar?
That's Susan B. Anthony, not Betsy Ross. The coin is worth one dollar.
What is piano harp worth?
What is a used wurlitzer kordevon piano worth?
Value is no more than any other early spinet piano, it depends on condition. Build quality is above average for spinets. Private sale value $0-$600. High end is for units that have been serviced and kept in tune throughout their lifetimes. Low end is landfill for pianos that can't hold tune. Pay a tech ($25-$50) to tell you the difference.
What is worth a piano eavesdaff year 1823?
What is my eavesdaff 1823 piano worth. Well since it was made in 1823 it is worth £50,000. If you are thinking of selling it then GO AHEAD!!!!!!
What is a 1992 sojin grand piano worth?
How much is a 1979 dollar coin with Betsy Ross on the front?
That's Susan B. Anthony, not Betsy Ross, and it's worth one dollar.
What is an Upright piano by New England piano co 31799 worth?
current price, vertical Piano, New England Piano Co. 1881
You want information on upright Harrison piano?
What is the value of a 1953 Baldwin acrosonic piano?
How much is a 1910 upright Carol Otto piano worth?
How do you know if your baby grand piano is worth anything?
How much is a Rosler piano?
What is a 1965 wurlitzer piano worth?
Many of the pianos from 1965 are worth prices close to $500. The exact price will depend upon the condition that the piano is in.
How much is a cable nelson piano worth serial?
How much is your Cunningham player piano worth?
How much is a quaver worth on the piano?
How much is a 1930-40 wurlitzer upright piano worth?
I did similar research for my 1940 upright Wurlitzer piano and learned that they are typically not worth much, A website I found helpful in valuing my piano was: www.bluebookofpianos.com. Good luck!

How much is 1986 Samick SG-140 baby grand piano worth?
How much is a Samick 1986 SG-155 baby grand piano worth
How much is a Rudolf Piano Co Upright Piano worth and how old is mine Serial No 18364?
Mfg 1915. Probably worth about $100 if it's in decent condition.
How much is your 1979 Baldwin piano worth?
Excellent Condition. Oak wood. Baldwin Vertical Piano
How much is a Dominion organ and piano company piano patented 1895 worth?
Does Mayor Betsy Price of Fort Worth Texas support or oppose same-sex marriage?
'I remain focused on the business of the city of Fort Worth. The issue of same-sex marriage is one for the state, not local government.' -Mayor Betsy Price of Fort Worth, Texas, in a CBS 11 interview.
What is a new piano worth?
How much is 1157 piano worth?
what is this question do you want me answer this question so long dude i don't know the worth lower price of a mega piano how do you make your family answer this they be really un proud of you bec. you are selfish want to know the price of 1157 MEGA piano price worth so long my friend
How much is a 1852 Gilbertson piano worth?
It all depends upon the condition and style of the piano. It could range from $0 +. Most pianos of that age are not worth fixing up if they need repair.
Lester Spinet
How much is a 1960 Baldwin piano worth?
Value of a 2000 Betsy Ross coin?
Betsy Ross isn't on any US coin. If it's dated 2000, and golden in color, then it's a Sacagawea dollar coin, worth one dollar.
How much is your Howard Grand worth serial 56434?
So this piano an upright from Cincinnati, is a HOWARD an old piano - I was wondering what it is worth. My mother bought it oh about 40-50 yrs. ago from someone who was moving out of state. So wondering its worth???
How much is a Rudolf Piano Co. Upright Piano worth and how old is mine Serial No. 9957?
This Serial number matches to MAnchester from 1948. Its worth about 20 pounds (UK Sterling)
What is the value of a fischer piano serial number 179724 about 60 years old?
What is a good price to sell a wurtlitzer piano which needs tuning and is a bit worn from 70's?
Realistically, it is probably not worth much. It may cost more to have a piano like this moved than it is worth.
How much is your amyl upright piano worth?
Wurlitzer Piano Value By Serial Number
What is the value of Wurlitzer piano with serial number 1575564?
What is the value of a 1971 Baldwin Acrosonic piano?
The value of a 1971 Baldwin piano depends on multiple factors: maintenance, overall care, and size. Therefore, the answer to this question is somewhat subjective, but the information below should give you a good range. In general, when well-cared for, these are very good pianos. They hold their tune well, and if properly maintained, only need to be tuned every couple of years. Those built during the 70s were 100% made in the US. To…
How much is a 20 year old Baldwin piano worth Serial 1859332 style 601?
I am interested in selling my Baldwin piano and am courious as to what it might be worth. I am guessing it's about 20 years old and in great shape!
The Value of Your Piano
This Virtual Appraisal will give you a rough idea of what your piano might be worth. Included are general values based upon formulas used in my 35 years of experience buying, selling, tuning and restoring pianos. A large part of my job has been to assess the condition of a piano and what it will need before I go on the service call.
Wurlitzer Spinet Piano Serial Numbers
The Formula for older pianos
When I calculate value on an older piano, I am really estimating condition and cost of repair, coupled with brand names and models.
$$ How much the piano could sell for in mint condition
-$$ The cost of getting it into mint condition
$$ The estimated wholesale value (if you sell to a dealer)
x Two or Three
$$ The estimated retail value (if you sell to an end user)
Young Pianos
What is a “young” piano? Think of a piano like a person. A 30 year old should be in great shape, all things being equal. If you have a piano that is 30 or younger, you can usually get a good idea of what it may be worth by doing an on line search for other pianos for sale similar to your own.
Lester Betsy Ross Spinet Piano Serial Numbers
Age of your piano
The age speaks volumes, and many times determines the overall quality level.
To find the age of your piano, you will need the name and serial number. click here.
Service Records
If you have had the piano serviced on a regular basis, find those tuning receipts as proof the piano has been well maintained. This will also give the prospective buyer a professional contact to verify the condition of your piano. The original purchase price, if available, will help determine its present value as well, giving you a starting point in the formula.
Restored Pianos
A receipt for the work performed is vital to determining the value. It tells us who did the work, what was done, how well it was done, and how long we can expect it to last.
Exceptions to Condition
Name Brand: You may own a very good name piano, such as Steinway. Even in the worst condition, most Steinway Grand pianos can sell for $5,000 to $15,000 or more. Other names of valuable pianos would include: Mason and Hamlin, Boosendorfer, Bechstein, Baldwin, Blunther, Sauter, to name only a few. A quick web search will reveal if your piano's name alone carries value.
Ornate or Unusual Case Design: If your piano is very ornate with carvings and inlays, or a very unusual case design, this can make the piano more valuable no matter what the name of the piano is.
This example is common Winter Spinet piano, but the ornate carvings and inlays on the case give it more value than an ordinary case.
Lester Spinet Piano Price
If you think your piano falls into one of these categories, you may need our personal assistance. Click here.
Lets find out what kind of piano you have.
Lester Spinet Piano Serial Numbers
An upright piano (shown left) has vertical strings and soundboard. Can be 3–5+ feet tall. Click here if you have an upright.
A grand piano (shown right) has horizontal strings and soundboard and has 3,4, or 6 legs. Click here if you have a grand.